24 Jan 2009

Documentary Subject

Hi again

I think my last blog sounded like I am not optimistic about my year ahead. This is not the case. I am very excited about the prospect of this year for the things that are happening. I am going to do a media writing subject at uni which involves script writing and documentary making! Something I have never done before!

How exciting! I have friends who are working with kids in Africa and other parts of the world and ever since I was very young I have wanted to help people. With a camera people can be helped a little easier, because other people can "see" what's happening more than just with words on a page, although we all know I love words on a page!.

I am excited by the prospect that I might have skills that could help people in a tangible way around the world. Ever since I visited Nepal years ago I have wanted to do this. Actually, before that. That is why I became a journalist to travel and shed light on people's struggles around the world. Somewhere on my journey the path veered off from this.

However, it's not over till it's over. So now I am still contemplating my subject choices and whether to enrol in the Masters or stay in my current course. There are lots of considerations in my life - probably most of which I haven't gone into on my blog.
But I will keep you posted on these subjects.

I am missing the Hemingway world I just left and I am looking for a new book to dive into. Maybe if I do the novel subject I will be reading novels or if I do Advanced Narrative then I wont have novels to read...now I am just rambling.

See you at the next post.

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