30 Apr 2010

This blog has moved

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Competitions and Blogger

Hello there, I am not sure what is happening with Blogger but I am hoping my blog wont die in the next few days...

Anyway, I am currently trying to select some poems and maybe a story to send into a competition. I think it is good to just keep sending things into the universe and see what happens with them... : )

I am going to write a post on a novellas and I am also going to run some writing workshops for beginners. If anyone is particularly interested they can email me about it. I am running a writing therapy course for four weeks coming up in May. Writing Therapy - I call it Expressive Writing, is a superb way to release any emotions, memories or things that are holding us captive. I will post more about this later.

I thought maybe I should simply put something up on here, as I haven't communicated on here for so long.

Thanks so much for reading. I love having visitors.