22 Feb 2009

Novel Writing subject beginning...

Hello again

(I will get back to doing a blog on Hemingway soon if anyone was wondering.)

I have started to read The Rules of Attraction by Bret Easton Ellis and I think it's cool the way he starts the novel in the middle of a sentence. His manner of narration is to write in first person with each section a different character talking about their experiences. It is quite an overwhelming style. Lots of telling, but it does draw you in with their voice and the subject matter.

The characters some of them if not all of them are very unlikable; they are hollow, bitchy, shallow, drug taking and hedonistic. I guess this book is like Less Than Zero was - nihilistic and a lot of sex and drugs and the meaningless of life. I did like that movie didn't read the book though.

I am enjoying reading something really different but I would probably not write something similar. There are some things I am learning from him, the conversational narrative voice style that I have always liked and often used. I really like that. But as for spending a whole novel talking about how they have abused, raped, disrespected, took drugs with, hated, how they were raped by two guys and more...I wouldn't do that.

I guess he made a very poignant point about his society in the 80's when he was writing. Commentators say he was writing about how hollow his generation was and the novel perfectly fulfills this function. It is superb at it in fact. I am definitely enjoying it though and I will probably have a look at Luna Park his other novel that people tell me is better than this one.

Starting university tomorrow. Yay! Hopefully, I can sort out tutorials so they fit on the day. I am looking forward to this subject I have wanted to do this subject for ages now.

On another note I have started to work on some short stories this weekend. I am thinking of submitting to competitions just as a way to give myself deadlines for my work. It is just a good way to keep disciplining your process and writing all the time, and getting yourself out there. Things are calming down in my life and I am going to focus on my writing now, a lot more.

Stay tuned for more about this subject and my writing including my poetry, that I seem to be writing more than ever. I never wrote poetry before, but now I am regularly writing short poems, enjoying words.

See you soon :) Say hi if you want to on here, it's nice to hear from a reader.

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