2 Dec 2010

Bali and writing


Just came back from a holiday in Bali. Interesting times, it was really nice.

I found I could write over there, my mind space was more free, less responsibilities, distractions, work, family life...It was really good. I felt like I could breathe...

I hope to create some new work this New Year. Returning to university, my love.

So, I will keep you posted on more work. My second book of poetry will be published soon, mainly about my brother and best friend. I always planned three books of poetry, one red, one green and one blue.

Red symbolising the anger I fled from my husband and the years of conflict, the green representing walking the path, peace, journeys, and that will represent walking along the stream of grief but experiencing peace and the blue; possibilities opening up, hope and new life.

This is the plan, and the green one will be published next. The red one is already published. It is for me a chronicle of my life at this time.