21 Jan 2008

New Poetry Book


I have recently been writing poetry and I have just published a collection called A Pocket Full of Poesy. If you want to check it out or purchase it click on the below link.


Thanks a lot for your visit, it is good to see you.


a good voice ***** 7 Mar 2008
I happened to notice A Pocket Full of Poesy by Suzanne Strong and thought it a good idea to comment on something other than novels.

Beauty Divine, the first poem of the collection, had so many levels but I will only talk of my immediate response. My first impression was that it wasn't about a plant at all but a person whose harsh life had moved to an even harsher death. 'Down to a solitary green stem' brought to mind someone who was in the last stages of cancer - such sadness.

Still, the poem had hope, as if in death (whether a plant or person) there is life around the corner, though to me it was filled with hurt.

I don't read that much poetry so I may be completely off track but I will say it was a powerful and emotional string of words.

Constant, the second poem made me smile though I still feel there was an aura of sadness about it. Poetry of course is like music, helping us dance with those difficult emotions that roll around inside waiting for release.

Poignant indeed but well constructed and certainly something to think about.

Julie Elizabeth Powell, author of Gone

Shamelessly brilliant ****** 20 Feb 2008
It has a very special way of being human, which so much poetry seems to lose, and I love the down to earth voice it has. It's brilliance is really in its simplicity.

Colourful and lively.
****** 23 Jan 2008
Suzanne's poetry book has a great start to it. The poems I have read are colourful and lively and bode well for more of the same. Her style is jaunty and playful full of fun and joy of life. I love her poetry it's just my cup of tea, and I'm sure it will be yours too.

Regards Anne Rogers

Author of The Shift Worker (Poetry)
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