13 Dec 2006

My story in Amazon Shorts

Hello everyone

As I have mentioned in my previous post, I am entering the Amazon Shorts Story Competition.

If you are interested in voting or publishing a story in the competition, you need to join Gather.com and then you can vote and post.

The below link is for my entry :


The Wall (story).

My story will be live for fourteen (14) days from the date it was published. At which point Gather will remove the entry and tally my votes.

How to vote? Read, vote and comment through the following:

1) Join Gather.com so you can vote for my story. join link.

2) Click on the link to the story and vote.

Thank you very much for your interest. If you wish to notify me of any stories you are posting. Let me know.

8 Dec 2006

Did anyone go to the QWC Launch?

Hello fellow writers and anyone who cares to read,

I went to the QWC Writers event the other day in Brisbane and it was a nice morning to meet some people and chat. The event was to launch their program for next year.

I met Cheryl (a children's author) and a poet friend of hers. These events are so beneficial to writers, aren't they? Just to get out, have a coffee or a cuppa of some description and have a chat.

I am still waiting for my story to be put up on amazonshorts.com competition. I have heard it takes a long time, so I am not holding my breath.

Anyway, I am contemplating putting some of my recent poetry, (and I don't usually write poetry!).

Thanks for reading and I'll post up a couple of my stories, very soon.

25 Nov 2006

Amazon Short Story Competition

Hello again,

I am preparing currently to submit a short story to the Amazon Shorts Short Story Competition.

If anyone reading this is a short story writer they could do also enter. I will include a link below about it.

When the voting starts, anyone can go onto the site and vote by clicking on the story, (I think) I am not 100% sure about how that part of is going to work, but reader votes count towards the competition.

Anyway, I thought I would post the link so that others could join and when I upload my story I will post the link, so if you are interested you could read and vote yourself. If I'm lucky some people will vote for my story.

Look forward to hearing from you, if you wish to enter the competition or anything else.

Happy writing.

Here's the link:

Amazon Shorts Short Fiction Competition

24 Nov 2006

Finish the first draft of your novel.

Hello again.

I haven't posted for a little while. I read something yesterday about writers should finish their first draft of their novel and not edit during the process.

I find I am tinkering with chapters, and obsessing over whether the chapters are flowing, and working on their own. What I need to do, according to this article and others, is to finish the whole draft and then go back and revise and then re-write.

I think this is great advice. It came from the editor of Hemmingway and F Scott Fitzgerald who apparently said, "let's get something on paper and then we can work on it." (Not the exact quote but the article came from the Writer Magazine.)

Anyway, let's keep moving on with our work and then we can edit it afterwards. That's what I am going to seek to do.

Happy writing to all of us.

13 Nov 2006

Feel Free


If you wish to read some of my existing stories on my website, you can go to www.suzannestrong.net and check out the stories page.

Feel free to share any thoughts, questions or comments on any of the work. I am a work in progress, hopefully developing my writing skills more and more and your comments would be greatly appreciated. Thanks very much.

12 Nov 2006

My first blog.

This is my first blog. I am very new to the blogging scene. I am looking forward to experiencing this world more. For us writers the web is an encouraging place where we can read and critique each other's writing. It is a great way for us to grow our work, through discovery of new ideas and refinement of our skills.

Thanks for visiting. Hopefully, in one of my posts you may find something interesting. I will be posting up some of my stories, that have also been published on my website and a couple of other sites.