13 Dec 2006

My story in Amazon Shorts

Hello everyone

As I have mentioned in my previous post, I am entering the Amazon Shorts Story Competition.

If you are interested in voting or publishing a story in the competition, you need to join Gather.com and then you can vote and post.

The below link is for my entry :


The Wall (story).

My story will be live for fourteen (14) days from the date it was published. At which point Gather will remove the entry and tally my votes.

How to vote? Read, vote and comment through the following:

1) Join Gather.com so you can vote for my story. join link.

2) Click on the link to the story and vote.

Thank you very much for your interest. If you wish to notify me of any stories you are posting. Let me know.

8 Dec 2006

Did anyone go to the QWC Launch?

Hello fellow writers and anyone who cares to read,

I went to the QWC Writers event the other day in Brisbane and it was a nice morning to meet some people and chat. The event was to launch their program for next year.

I met Cheryl (a children's author) and a poet friend of hers. These events are so beneficial to writers, aren't they? Just to get out, have a coffee or a cuppa of some description and have a chat.

I am still waiting for my story to be put up on amazonshorts.com competition. I have heard it takes a long time, so I am not holding my breath.

Anyway, I am contemplating putting some of my recent poetry, (and I don't usually write poetry!).

Thanks for reading and I'll post up a couple of my stories, very soon.