10 Mar 2008

Getting away...

I managed to get away for a couple of days recently. It was extremely peaceful and relaxing. What is it about mounds of green mountainous rock and deep green broccoli trees standing beside running streams through lime green grass, that draws us deeper and to more tranquil parts of our soul?

The romantics talked about it, beauty and truth. Beauty stimulates in me a longing for something more than our physical life. I took a few photos of the trip. I think beauty reflects who we are and reminds us we have a soul. Beautiful poetry, glorious music, rich paintings, pristine beaches, the immaculate white of daisies and the intricate tiny world of perfectly designed flower petals and the minute insect communities that inhabit these areas.

I went away to Northern New South Wales, an exquisite part of the country. It looks like England probably because the English planted oaks and pine trees and other stunning greenery when they came over two hundred years ago.

When I am surrounded by beauty and I am exploring or getting away or traveling I find my mind opens up and I am inspired. Travel is a deep experience for me. It is experiencing the world, seeing new things, taking on an adventure or a challenge, encountering new people and cultures, finding out about Others around the world. It is about learning, exploring; yourself, the geographical and philosophical world and other people's societies, history and culture. It provides perspective for me, insight, it stimulates change in my life, enlightens me, inspires me, opens my world up instead of closing it down (as so many other things do in life).

Of course, traveling is fun for goodness sake! Downright, freaking good fun. I don't see the point of living and not experiencing the world around me. I don't have a desire to have a pristine lawn and the latest BMW four wheel drive, or children with straight, white teeth, give me a mountain track and an untouched river, a cultural and physical journey any day of the week. Show me something about life, living, myself, how the world works, the world's history, its ugliness and shining glory. To me travel, has two levels the physical and the internal.

When I traveled in Nepal it was striking, edifying, enriching, educational and wonderful all at the same time. I put some demons to rest in Nepal and most importantly, I put to rest certain things in relationships and felt freed from the control of my past.

Anyway, I have rambled enough. I would like to post some photos. Feel free to share your views on traveling or getting away. I love to receive comments. Thanks for reading.