8 Dec 2006

Did anyone go to the QWC Launch?

Hello fellow writers and anyone who cares to read,

I went to the QWC Writers event the other day in Brisbane and it was a nice morning to meet some people and chat. The event was to launch their program for next year.

I met Cheryl (a children's author) and a poet friend of hers. These events are so beneficial to writers, aren't they? Just to get out, have a coffee or a cuppa of some description and have a chat.

I am still waiting for my story to be put up on amazonshorts.com competition. I have heard it takes a long time, so I am not holding my breath.

Anyway, I am contemplating putting some of my recent poetry, (and I don't usually write poetry!).

Thanks for reading and I'll post up a couple of my stories, very soon.

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