21 Dec 2007

Goodwill to all this Christmas


Something major has happened this Christmas, to myself and my family. This has changed our lives forever, as things sometimes do. I am always amazed at how a few moments and certain choices made by people can change the course of the rest of our lives.

This is in my mind this Christmas. I have always loved Christmas because of Christ's birth. I know most people hate Christmas, but I think they hate the shopping centres, the fake carols over the loud speaker, the endless consumerism and the cheesy platitudes that abound at this time. I don't think people despise the story of Christmas, a humble baby born into the world, parents, angels, animals, wise men from the east, shepherds.

I want to wish everyone who stumbles upon my blog, a thoughtful, divine-searching Christmas, one where we all look upwards instead of towards each other or downwards.

That is what I am going to seek to do. There was a little baby in a manger and he was the picture of humility and serenity (no matter what you believe about him).

May this Christmas be special for you.

1 comment:

Barbara Flowers said...

How lovely Suzanne - there's something so moving about Christmas when it really happens,on the day and you remember it's about hope and a new birth. I always forget that until I listen to The Messiah, which I do every December. Then I feel all the things you refer to here, regards Barbara