23 Sept 2007

Moving Forward

My novel in my mind and on paper is moving forwards. I am really keen to get a first draft done of this novel, and then start rewriting. I am reading The Dirty Beat, by Venero Armanno. A great book full of beauty, empathy and strong characters.

There is something mysterious in art, a piece of work that takes people to a different place, like the Heart of Darkness did to me when I was a teenager, transported me, mesmerised me, and like the Snows of Kilamanjaro did to me at university and the Unbearable Lightness of Being, Cry the Beloved Country and many other books. They draw you in and change you. They affect you and remain with you for the rest of your life. Well that's what good books do to me, profound books. Not just a book that is enjoyable but ones that affect you for the rest of your life.

Some books I enjoy their style and structure and I admire the way the novel is written but there are other books that remain forever dear to me, close to me, intimate friends. Music can be the same, intimate. I would love to create something close to this.


Barbara Flowers said...

I can see I'll have to re-visit Veny Armano. For years I couldn't warm to Tim Winton's books. Suddenly I heard Dirt Music being read on Radio National and it was my Road to Damascus. Now I think he's a wonderful writer. Perhaps one has to read a book at the right time for it to have the impact you're talking about in your post. I think it's great the way you think and write so much about writing Suzanne; among people I knock around with my interests just seem.. well, peculiar (as perhaps they are). I'll send you my Going to Boston blog link once I start writing in it (next week). At the moment it just contains a demented photograph of the great poet Robert Lowell, and a little bit of his work. He was a 'Boston Brahmin' and one of the reasons I've always wanted to go there. My other not so secret reason is because I love Boston Legal! keep on thinking and writing, regards Barbara

Suzanne G Strong said...

Yes, that is exactly why I blog because I cannot explain to the people around me my deeper thoughts. I really love just putting some thoughts out into the ether (that is the internet) and if others read it, then it's great. For some weird reason - it invigorates me, relieves part of me - and it makes me feel not so alone. Maybe this is showing how weird I am. You don't always get many comments, but I can see who comes to my site. Thanks for your encouragement.

Maybe you feel this way, but being preoccupied with things other people don't want to talk about (even my partner) means this is an amazing channel to communicate, to simply express something deeper than work things or family life. After all - I guess that's why we are writers. And maybe like me you experience life through writing, as well as creating stories. Writers experience their surroundings and life through the pen just like painters or drawers do through their paint brushes and not always for an external reason. Anyway, enough about that.

Other people don't understand this that much. But I am glad you can relate Barbara. Thanks a lot for your comments. I appreciate them very much.

Barbara Flowers said...

It's always so interesting to read your observations. One of the things I feel slightly nervous of as a writer is the much deeper sense of myself that I can't help but display in the things I write. But at the same time that is also a strong part of my reason for writing. Of course sometimes I just like the idea of making people laugh, and then I write something shallow and flippant. I realized after thinking about our dialogue over the last couple of days that I've been considering death and its deeper meanings quite a lot lately, in fact my last completed story is The coroner's findings (on my blog), which was my way of thinking into some of these issues. As ever everything seems to align. I just wish I'd been more courageous when I was younger, and not so given to self-doubt. If I'd been able to master the emotional roller-coaster of writing better I may have been much more advanced in what I wanted to do by now. I admire the way you're just pushing your way through all of that stuff, it's exactly what one ought to do. A bientot. I'm about to vanish into airplanes, hotels & wireless blogging. But I'll keep reading your posts where I can, regards Barbara

Suzanne G Strong said...

Thanks so much, Barbara. As always I appreciate your thoughts and the way you read my blogs, and let me know what you are thinking, often along similar lines. Thanks for the encouragement about self doubt, I know I just have to move through it and I try to do that because I know every day is precious, isn't it?

I am looking forward to reading your blog and would love to be travelling as you are.

Why are you going? Just for a trip?
I look forward to reading your blog.

Thanks again, I really appreciate receiving your comments, you are always so encouraging towards me. Thanks.

Happy flying and travels!