16 Jul 2007

Setting goals for my writing!

Hello everyone

Anyone who has been reading my blog would know that I am trying to move forward in any way possible, to develop my work further and hopefully take advantage of opportunities that are available to writers.

So, this post is simply about making short term goals: I have written a few and I have posted them above my desk. I think it is useful for everybody in any of the artistic disciplines to set short term achievable goals, because otherwise you sit at home with no movement forward. Only getting bogged down in the fact that nothing is happening.

These are the assumptions I am working on. I find when I am doing something, even if it is approaching a publisher or someone else, and even if I get rejected - I still feel better because at least that day wasn't wasted. I tried and got rejected. It's better to do that than to waste your life, thinking you'll fail and never making any forward or pro active steps.

Every knock back means that you hopefully learn something, if only it is to persevere. This sounds like a pep talk, but it's sort of for myself.

Anyway, I hope everyone who is labouring to produce art will be encouraged to keep going, setting small goals and just continuing on. Thanks for reading.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello Suzanne,

Thank you for this wonderful website! Your words have been an inspiration to me and I appreciate these blogs where I feel you express some of yourself back into the ether =D

It is enlightening indeed. An example of encouragement towards a young budding (teehee probably still sprouting)writer such as myself. SO thank you.

Good luck and best wishes with the goals you are setting, I know you can achieve anything If conscious concentration and belief in yourself is applied.

Keep up the good work!

Sam *